Dinos a the ROM

Fascinating in the way so much is similar to what we see now, and only a few million years apart. Wish I could be there for weeks, first study drawing what I see, then playing with it. Don't know why bones fascinate me so much?conte on 18x24" newsprint

By | 2018-06-09T18:01:26+00:00 April 8th, 2010|Animal Studies, Drawing|2 Comments

Armour at the ROM

My first semester students along with their other instructor Todd Sullivan and I spent the afternoon at the Royal Ontario Museum. It started with Dino's but for me ended at the armour display. Fun just drawing those elaborate cans men wrapped themselves in to do battle or just look tough. Can't help but think of [...]

By | 2018-06-09T18:01:57+00:00 April 7th, 2010|Drawing, Object Studies|4 Comments