Katie & Alex, studies for sculptures

Katie & Alex, studies for sculptures

I’ve been commissioned this summer to sculpt two children, life size, to be cast into bronze. It will be an interesting challenge given I haven’t done any serious sculpting in a long while. Most of my work has been in clay for myself, never cast, always remushed and reworked. I’ve often worked out problems of form with clay, whether figures , horse commissions, or characters for books.

I recently was invited into the home and studio of Hanna Boos. As her website will tell you, Hanna first studied sculpting in Germany and later with Frances Gage, notable Canadian sculptor. Hann’a work is beautiful and she graciously shared her knowledge with me. No doubt if she is willing, Hanna will be a valuable resource as work progresses.

At this time I am beginning the first clay and wax studies of the children based on the sketches I have made in the first few visits to their home. Below are but two of the many scratches one makes as young children move and shift uncomfortably under the gaze of the artist. Slowly I think they will warm to the experience, or at least become more comfortable. I think I have begun to get through to Katie by way of a quick sketch of her dog. Alex is far more comfortable but no less restless. Time will tell.

By | 2018-06-09T18:40:48+00:00 June 18th, 2008|Drawing, Figure Studies|0 Comments

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