Figure Studies

Life and Anatomical Studies today

An excellent day today.  I got my favorite model in for a few hours for some arm studies. Followed up with another visit to the  Gross Human Anatomy Labs at the University of Guelph thanks to some very talented and eager students who meet there every week for drawing.   9B Pencil on Paper [...]

By | 2018-08-04T21:38:46+00:00 August 3rd, 2018|Anatomy Studies, Drawing, Figure Studies|0 Comments

January start in the studio – A day of figure drawing to myself.

Something I haven't done lately but must do more often is to have a model in for a day. Pure pleasure to just push conte around for hours and let the time pass.Happy New Year!all work conte on 18x24 newsprint.

By | 2018-06-09T03:16:40+00:00 January 8th, 2016|Drawing, Figure Studies|0 Comments

Inuit portraits

I got a call last evening from Zacharaiasie Nappatok, an Inuit friend living in Akulivik in Nunavik, previously known as Norther Quebec.  Our friendshop goes back many years to a time when I was printmaking advisor to the Inuit artists of Povungnituk and regions around the Hudson's and Ungava Bay coasts.Of the many drawings and [...]

By | 2018-06-09T17:26:26+00:00 February 15th, 2015|Drawing, Figure Studies|1 Comment

Watching Tangled

This morning I took the opportunity to sketch my granddaughter as she watched Tangled. Having a 4 and half year old hold still is an impossibility so this opportunity was wonderful.  It was interrupted only by the cat moving into my lap and finally my own attention being diverted to the piece too.  The first [...]

By | 2018-06-09T17:26:59+00:00 February 8th, 2015|Drawing, Figure Studies|0 Comments

Variations on a gesture

Gestures can have many purposes: warm-up, expressive exploration, form studies, or even basis for skeletal or muscular studies.  They can be the loosest of scribbles or focused surgical strikes of lines.  They are probably the most honest of drawings since they are more from the heart than the head.  We feel,  we empathize, we react [...]

By | 2018-06-09T17:43:23+00:00 January 16th, 2014|Drawing, Figure Studies|0 Comments