
Inuit portraits

I got a call last evening from Zacharaiasie Nappatok, an Inuit friend living in Akulivik in Nunavik, previously known as Norther Quebec.  Our friendshop goes back many years to a time when I was printmaking advisor to the Inuit artists of Povungnituk and regions around the Hudson's and Ungava Bay coasts.Of the many drawings and [...]

By | 2018-06-09T17:26:26+00:00 February 15th, 2015|Drawing, Figure Studies|1 Comment

Thinking arctic

We seem to have a January thaw happening and since I love snow my mind goes north. I came across a sketch done years ago outside Povungnituk (as it was known then) and played with it in photoshop.

By | 2018-06-09T18:13:59+00:00 January 14th, 2010|Painting|0 Comments

Arctic Memory

I received an email from a friend who owns this painting. She was kind to send a picture of it to me. It holds a very special connection to me. It was done when I was still and advisor to the Inuit printmakers in what is now Nunavik (arctic Quebec).I decided to post it because [...]

By | 2018-06-09T18:37:12+00:00 November 3rd, 2008|Drawing, Landscapes|0 Comments