Master class in Human Anatomy

Master class in Human Anatomy

Here it is, finally posting. please pass it on to anyone in the arts or industry who you may feel would be interested in an intensive course in human anatomy.

for more info, please feel free to email me at, or through this blog.

Master Class in Human Anatomy

July4 – 8 2011


This course is designed to give the student an intensive overview of the muscles that move the figure, and thereby affect the form and give rise to expression.

Focus will be given to reading the body through landmarks and changes in form based on anatomical insight.

Fee: $599. CAN +HST

Prerequisite: previous life drawing experience at a mid to high level.

(Previous anatomy study or familiarity an asset but not prerequisite.)

Length of Course :5 days 32.5 hrs 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. (less1 hour break for lunch)

Course outline:

Monday July 4 – Day 1: Studio with model

overview of the body as form influenced by muscles

  • skeletal study and relationship to landmarks
  • muscle trains
  • planes and their origins
  • overview of muscles that move the major joints
  • Muscles of the waist, neck and face

Tuesday July 5 – Day 2:

  • Full day of study in the Gross Human Anatomy Labs at University of Guelph

(Participants will be responsible for their own transportation to the University of Guelph. Go Bus available from York University or Downtown terminal.)

Wednesday July 6 – Day 3: Studio with model

· Muscles that move the arm from shoulder to finger tips

Thursday July 7 – Day 4: Studio with Model

· Muscles that move the legs from pelvis to toes

Friday July 8 – Day 5: studio with model

· Review and overview of figure

· study of interrelated planes & landmark review

· form changes due to movement


· Newsprint 18 x 24 pads for studio work

· Drawing pad 16 x 20 for anatomy lab

· High quality tracing paper

· Conte B & 2B

· pencils 2 4 8B, pencil crayons assorted colours

· Journal or notebook

Each student will be provided with a model skeleton in kit form for daily homework: application of muscles in plasticine.

Werner Zimmermann

is a life drawing instructor at Seneca College to animation students. He taught at Sheridan College in the Animation Program from 1986 to 2001. Zimmermann’s years of teaching and illustrating have given him a unique insight into relating life drawing and anatomy to the needs of animation and illustration. His classes are renowned for the level of information and skills he shares with his students and his teaching methods have been rated by students as outstanding.

Professionally he had been an exhibiting artist and an award winning children’s book author and illustrator.

To enroll:

By | 2018-06-09T17:49:11+00:00 June 2nd, 2011|Uncategorized|3 Comments

About the Author:


  1. Animation Institute in India June 2, 2011 at 1:37 pm - Reply

    really nice blog thx for sharing with us

  2. Lester Coloma June 5, 2011 at 1:29 am - Reply

    I have been looking for an intensive anatomy course.

    None of the courses I came across combined formal instruction, drawing from models AND cadavers PLUS ecorche with a scale skeleton.

    Incredible learning tools at an incredible value.

    I so look forward to this workshop and encourage other artist to attend.

  3. social media melbourne June 23, 2011 at 11:12 am - Reply

    hi there! cute blog space you got here!
    Inspiring blog you have!

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