
Sleeping Cat 2

It seems whenever I sit down in a comfortable place to get some work done, my cat likes to join me. I don't mind it at all, except I'm very quickly distracted by this fur ball, and the work I intend to do gets dropped, replaced by some studies. I envy him for his ability [...]

By | 2020-11-09T04:39:00+00:00 November 9th, 2020|Uncategorized|0 Comments

New Year’s Day Celery

My previous post on the Amaryllis mentioned that I was disastisfied with the the stems - that to me looked like celery stalks.  That led me to study celery stalks.  There is, I found, a beautiful gestural poetry to the poor lowly celery.  The stalks aren't much to speak for, but the foliage is worthy [...]

By | 2015-01-01T18:31:00+00:00 January 1st, 2015|Uncategorized|0 Comments

2015 Window Nr. 1

It's not exactly looking out a window, but this little fellow is a regular every Christmas on the window sill in a small window just off the kitchen.  So he got the first attention of the year.  Always makes me happy to see him (her?).  Kitsch but cute.   Happy New Creative Year everyone!

By | 2015-01-01T17:32:00+00:00 January 1st, 2015|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Last day sketches 2014

I thought I would spend part of the day sketching the tree and some of the decorations around the house. I was interrupted doing the tree which I will return to.  The ribbon and cedar rope over the door was fun. It reminded me of the filigree on the decorations in palaces and castles, albeit [...]

By | 2018-06-09T17:38:09+00:00 January 1st, 2015|Uncategorized|0 Comments