New Drawing Courses in Guelph – Anatomy for Artists & Figure Drawing

New Drawing Courses in Guelph – Anatomy for Artists & Figure Drawing

Well, here it is, the start of the Zimmermann School of Drawing. Not an official school of course, but based on my years drawing and teaching life drawing to animation students first at Sheridan in Oakville Ontario from 1986 to 2001 and most recently at Seneca@York, starting mid September I will be giving two figure drawing courses in my studio in Guelph.

Anatomy for Artists

Of interest to professionals, serious amateurs, comic book artist and illustrators.

A course in making a figure come to life through anatomy

This course will build weekly on an overview of the skeletal and muscular anatomy of the human figure. By examining the structure of the frame, moving from basic forms through an examination of the skeleton and finally to the muscles that move the the figure, students will gain valuable insight and knowledge of the anatomy of the human figure

Using a live model each week, we will do studies of the figure with conte and pencil.

Each student will receive a skeleton model on which studies using plasticine will be made as each muscle group is studied.

Both the valuable insights and practical understanding gained will aid in drawing human figures with movement, fluidity and confidence

10 weeks starting Sept 10 7 – 10 pm

Cost: $450.00

enrollment limited to 10

Weekly Outline:

  1. September 10: Intro to the figure – the skeleton: complexity into simplicity / bones into boxes.
  2. September 17: the skull, rib cage and pelvis:
  3. September 24: muscles of the waist and neck: bending, twisting and turning
  4. October 1: the scapula and the shoulders
  5. October 8: muscles of the shoulders and upper arms
  6. October 22: muscles off the pelvis onto the upper leg
  7. October 29: Lower leg and foot
  8. November 5: Lower arm and hand
  9. November 12: head and face – muscles of expression
  10. November 19: Review and summation.

Figure Drawing: from Gesture to Expression

10 weeks starting September 17 3hrs 2 – 5pm.

Cost: $300.

Limit: 10 students

Based on figure drawing for animation, students will be guided in the importance of the gesture in creating life drawings full of expression and dynamics. Anatomy, structure, form and balance will be examined.

To register or for more information email me at:

By | 2018-06-09T18:39:40+00:00 August 30th, 2008|Uncategorized|3 Comments

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  1. Bobby Chiu August 30, 2008 at 10:59 pm - Reply

    Werner is one of the most important teachers in my art education. Extremely knowledgeable of the human anatomy and an extremely gifted teacher as well. I’m so glad to see him spreading his wisdom to Guelph.

  2. Gavin Ball September 21, 2008 at 1:55 am - Reply

    I have to second that statement, Werner is an amazing teacher. He has been the single most important teacher in my development as an artist.

  3. Bianca September 28, 2008 at 11:01 pm - Reply

    Hi Everyone.

    I cannot recommend a better life-drawing teacher or (teacher for that matter) than Werner.

    He’s funny and more importantly make learning fun! He let’s you know what is not working in your drawing and he can show you how to correct it. Anatomy actually becomes simple and understandable the way he teaches it.

    If I were anywhere near Guelph I’d be totally taking his classes, and no, he’s not paying me to say this ^^.

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