Today is the 100th anniversary of the real Winnie – the bear cub who went to England with Canadian troops and inspired A.A. Milne to write the stories so beautifully illustrated by E. H. Shepard.
I’ve always loved the drawings of Shepard and can never look at them without amazement at the man’s ability.
Shepard was inspired to his design by a Steiff stuffed teddy bear. That got me remembering a sketch I did of my son’s Steiff. The bear was passed down from his great grandfather and one evening, two year old Christopher lovingly tucked him in on the couch before he himself when off to bed.
The bear ended up in a book for a German publisher, although in a very tiny way on the rocking
Love your blog, love your drawings, I put your blog on my face book page, I hope you won't mind. I live in England and am a member of the Society of a Graphic Fine Arts, we are a drawing society, you would be quite at home !
Thanks so much, a joy to look at a master.
thanks for the kind words Harriet. Nice to see my blog is reaching England and that you're enjoying it. Looking forward to looking up your page and society.
Cheers! Werner