
Arm Studies at the U of Guelph Anatomy Lab Today

For a hot summer day, it was a chilly but very productive day  inside at the U of Guelph Gross Human Anatomy Lab. I was in for a day of studies for my own personal enjoyment, and enjoyment it was.  The great staff there gave me lots to chose from but I focused on the [...]

By | 2018-07-13T01:22:16+00:00 July 13th, 2018|Anatomy Studies, Drawing, Painting, Watercolour|0 Comments

Reminds me of Don Quixote

I did this study yesterday; conte on newsprint as usual.  I have to admit I was disappointed by my handling of the armpit of the raised arm, but when I was finished, it reminded me of Don Quixote.Ever since reading Cervantes' work, I've wanted to do a series on the story. Along with work on [...]

By | 2018-06-09T03:14:10+00:00 April 12th, 2017|Anatomy Studies, Drawing|0 Comments

January start in the studio – A day of figure drawing to myself.

Something I haven't done lately but must do more often is to have a model in for a day. Pure pleasure to just push conte around for hours and let the time pass.Happy New Year!all work conte on 18x24 newsprint.

By | 2018-06-09T03:16:40+00:00 January 8th, 2016|Drawing, Figure Studies|0 Comments