
Knee studies in sequence

Knee sequence studies My fascination of all joints was focused on the knee today.  In a way it's a very simple joint: it is essentially one big hinge, like that on a door that can only swing one way open and shut.   Yet it also allows for rotation medially and laterally when the [...]

By | 2018-10-20T01:07:22+00:00 October 20th, 2018|Anatomy Studies, Drawing|0 Comments

hand studies Sept 28 2018

I had the opportunity to draw with some students at the University of Guelph this evening.  Once again I was drawn to the hand and especially the skeleton.  The nature of the wrist is of particular interest since it is so pivotal to the movement of the wrist; the carpals in particular.   There wasn't enough [...]

By | 2018-09-29T00:14:44+00:00 September 29th, 2018|Anatomy Studies, Drawing|0 Comments

Mr. Bob Cripps Honouring the fine people in my life

You never forget great teachers or mentors like Bob Cripps. I may have portrayed him somewhat grumpy in this sketch, but Bob Cripps was anything but a kind considerate gentleman. Pilot in the war,  sailor and architect in the years that followed, Bob was someone to whom I looked up to for his quiet wisdom and [...]

By | 2018-08-15T01:43:23+00:00 August 15th, 2018|Drawing, Watercolour|0 Comments