It’s almost Hallowe’en and time for a sketch or two
Some skeleton doodles are in order. Sketchbook on Ipad Pro. Skeleton sketches for Halloween 2020. A very scary year
Some skeleton doodles are in order. Sketchbook on Ipad Pro. Skeleton sketches for Halloween 2020. A very scary year
Knee sequence studies My fascination of all joints was focused on the knee today. In a way it's a very simple joint: it is essentially one big hinge, like that on a door that can only swing one way open and shut. Yet it also allows for rotation medially and laterally when the [...]
I had the opportunity to draw with some students at the University of Guelph this evening. Once again I was drawn to the hand and especially the skeleton. The nature of the wrist is of particular interest since it is so pivotal to the movement of the wrist; the carpals in particular. There wasn't enough [...]
You never forget great teachers or mentors like Bob Cripps. I may have portrayed him somewhat grumpy in this sketch, but Bob Cripps was anything but a kind considerate gentleman. Pilot in the war, sailor and architect in the years that followed, Bob was someone to whom I looked up to for his quiet wisdom and [...]
Building on a study from a previous session, I've worked a rotation of the hand from supination to pronation. Endlessly fascinating. The model's hand with the drawing. Nothing like working from life. 9B on Arches 88
I haven't been drawing for myself for a few days (no excuses) but feel bad I didn't post. I will return tonight or tomorrow.In the meantime because of the freezing weather we're feeling this week (-31C in the wind) I dug out some sketches I did while on a trip to the islands of Antigua [...]
It's -11C outside, -21C if you factor in the brisk wind, so that would make it a perfect day to go out and sketch - if you live in Inuvik. But considering I once use to do exactly that when I worked in Povunituk, today wasn't so bad after all....until I got out there. For sketch [...]
First sketch today are the bird feeders outside my door. Perhaps should be really titled Ginko in snow since I'm fascinated by the patters of the tree. But then there's the patterns in the snow. So it's just a lot of what I find outside my door today. nothing more.
Something often overlooked mainly because I look over them are my feet. When looking for the last thing to draw tonight I was a bit perplexed as to what to draw. So I sat down with Umberto Ecco's book on Beauty looking for a work of art to study. I was taken by the fine [...]
We have a small bronze rabbit that I bought in Halifax years ago. He sits by a door mostly unnoticed. I decided to sketch him today and found he has rather an evil stare that I'd never noticed. Not sure if I feel comfortable with him anymore. One never knows what happens in the dark.However [...]